Thursday, November 27, 2008

Give Thanks Always

Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will]. I Thessalonians 5:18 Amp

I greet each of you this day with a heart of Thanksgiving. With another year that is almost over and no doubt this has been a year of great trial, challenges and for some calamity. But even in the most trying times, God is still there. We must reflect on what this year has done for us and how God has been there all the time. The scripture says in everything no matter what the circumstances are be thankful because this is the will of God.

Do you mean give thanks to God for the bad? No, what I'm saying is look for something good in the bad. There is a reason why God tells us to give Him thanks no matter what the circumstances are and that is because if we constantly reflect on the negative we will be depressed, sadden and we won't see any hope. God is telling us to thank Him because He sees things we don't, He knows exactly why He allows things to happen with us, pleasant and unpleasant.

We may not have everything we want in life and this year may not have been the best but it could be worse. Let examine and focus on the good in everything and look back and see the hand of God directing, guiding and bringing comfort to us.

I went through a difficult divorce 4 years ago and while going through, I felt all hope of ever experiencing happiness was gone. I had no idea that God was allowing my marriage to die so I could live! I didn't see that He was working on my behalf in my hard place but I can reflect now and give Him thanks for bringing me to a place where my life is a blessings to eveyone I touch.

I tell my story through my writings as an Author in hopes that each one of my readers will be enpowered, encouraged and inspired.

This day I choose to give Him thanks in everything, the good and the bad!

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