Kevin welcome to “Empowered to Prosper”… tell us a little about yourself.
Kevin Johnson has been writing short stories and poems since the early age of 13. At the time of his writings, to him it was just for fun until later at the age of 30, he realized that he had a gift, but he still was hesitant about his writings. It wasn't until his cousin inspired him and
encouraged him to continue writing, and because of that Author Kevin Johnnson has published TWO books ~TELL ME, WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? and EVOLUTION OF LIFE.....POETRY FROM THE SOUL.
TELL ME, WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? and EVOLUTION OF LIFE...POETRY FROM THE SOUL, are both poetry and spoken word books that have developed out of experiences of love, life, spirituality and pain. ~
Kevin share with the readers what makes your book stand out from the rest?
Mostly the experiences and having to put myself out there and just be naked to the public as far as LOVE AND HURT. Most brothers don't or would not do that.
Kevin where do you get your inspiration from?
My mother and cousin. My mother because she always encouraged her kids to do their best and to always put GOD first, and my cousin because he actually saw my potential as an author and a writer. He was the first person to read my poems.
Kevin when you started writing did you envision publishing your work?
I had been writing for years, (poems), and before I knew it, it was like a book had started to form. I wasn't for sure if anyone would actually read any of my poetry and then I was approached by a co-worker that wanted me to write a poem for his girlfriend, in which afterward they got married and had a child. He thanked me continuously and told me that because of the poem I had helped write for him, he was able to save his relationship and decided to marry his girlfriend of 4 years.
Kevin share with the readers your most rewarding and negative experiences in the publishing journey.
I received a letter from my publisher saying that my book had been placed in the “NEW YORK TIMES” as one of the best book of poems world wide. I was honored.
My most negative experience? I had a lot of people tell me that my books would never be published because I didn't have the money. I also received a lot of slack from people I thought were my friends as I was trying to get these books published. I dealt with lot of negativity from people that just didn't want to see me make it.
Kevin what advice would you give inspiriting writers?
1. Always put God first in whatever you do!
2. Pray over your projects, speak life into them!
3. Be careful who you tell your vision or progress to.
4. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND IN THE WORK THAT YOU DO!!! If you don't believe in yourself, then who will?
Kevin who is your favorite author?
What special projects are you working on now? Any future books?
“Whose report will you believe? Diagnosed With Kidney Failure”
This project is the most challenging for me because the doctor's had given up on me because I had tons of poison sitting in my system and didn't even know it. They weren't for sure how long I was going to live. BUT GOD!!!
Kevin how can the readers connect with you?
Kevin's email address: septboy@pacbell.net
“Empowered to Prosper” thanks Author & Poet Kevin Johnson for stopping by and sharing with us his writing journey.
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