Q: Give us a short bio
A: I am a wife (16 years), mother, daughter, friend, founder and managing member of Toward The Mark Press, LLC. (a Christian publishing house), inspirational author, and lupus survivor.
In 2006, I was forced to leave my job with the DC Government because of illness. I subsequently turned to writing as an outlet of healing. Dedicated to a ministry of H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Endure), my desire is to encourage readers that God has purpose behind, presence during, and preservation after every storm that may come their way.
A living example of hope in the face of two chronic illnesses, I am committed to producing and sharing contemporary works that glorify God and impact lives – Giving Glory Through Stories of Hope!
I live in Maryland with my husband and our two daughters.
Q: Please tell us the titles of your current book (s): And give a brief synopsis.
A: My debut novel, which by the way was recently awarded Best Christian Novel by Christian Storyteller, is entitled Joy Comes in the Mourning. It’s an inspirational tale of faith, friendship, and forgiveness. The main character, Tonya Monroe, lost her mother at the hands of a drunk driver when she was only fourteen years old. That drunk driver just happened to have been her mother’s closest friend and the novel’s secondary character, Carolyn Wright. As the story opens Tonya is now 30, fine, and fierce! She has money in the bank, beauty, brains, and a body adored by men and envied by women. But she hasn’t had peace of mind since her mother’s death.
Carolyn, on the other hand, is at peace with her decision to put the past behind her. She refuses to live under the cloud of that terrible day. She is now saved, sanctified, and tired of Tonya holding her to her past…and everybody else dictating her future. It’s the story of two women whose lives are forever knitted together by tragedy, and their journey to weave a new pattern of trust in each other…and God.
Q: What makes your books(s) stand out from the rest?
A: I would say the fact that it’s so relatable, encouraging, and very informative. Who hasn’t had someone work their nerve like nobody’s business? Who hasn’t felt hopeless at some point? Who hasn’t desired to be loved unconditionally? Joy Comes also deals with the real life challenges and struggles of a lupus survivor. If you know nothing about the disease, get ready to be well-informed.
Q: What or who inspired you to become a writer?
A: Well, I’ve always loved to write. Read too. God gave me that desire. But after reading Victoria Christopher Murray’s Joy, I knew that writing was what I wanted to do professionally.
Q: When did you begin writing with the intention of becoming published?
A: I always wanted to be a published author. One of my very first jobs was working in a mailroom. I received the Employee-of-the-Month honor several times. When I was interviewed for the company newsletter and they asked me where I saw myself in five years, I answered, “As a bestselling author!” I’m sure they expected my answer to be something about the company, but hey, I wanted to write! LOL!
Q: Do you come up with your title (s) before or after you write the manuscript (s)?
A: Definitely after for Joy Comes in the Mourning. The title was originally Testimony. I have other titles just waiting on me to finish the manuscripts.
Q: What is the genre you write? Tell us why you write the genre (s)
A: I write contemporary women’s/inspirational/Christian fiction because I truly believe that in this day and age, we all could use a little encouragement. And whether some of us know it or not, we all need a lot of Christ.
Q: Tell us your most rewarding experience in your publishing journey?
A: I would have to say connecting with other like-minded individuals. Meeting other authors and readers, whether in person or on one of the social networks.
Q: Tell us your most negative experience in your publishing journey?
A: I can honestly say that I can’t really remember any negative experiences.
Q: What one positive piece of advice would you give to other authors?
A: Write! Practice makes…well, nobody’s perfect, but practice sure
makes for good writing.
Q: Who is your favorite author?
A: Etiquette says I should give the standard answer about all the authors I love, but right now I am really feeling Tiffany L. Warren’s work. I also love Victoria Christopher Murray’s writing.
Q: What Format (s) are your books in: Print Only.....E-Book Only....or Both?
A: Presently in print. The audio book is to come.
Q: What special projects are you working on now and what books do we have to look forward to in the future?
A: I just recently created a format for my Blog (holdyourhope.blogspot.com). I am really excited about my interviews on Mondays with authors, poets, business owners, etc.). I have truly been blessed and encouraged by them and hope that the readers will be also. I’m looking forward to featuring you, Paulette.
In my upcoming novel, First Lady, Cheryl Davis loves her mother in-law dearly, but refuses to play second fiddle to her. Cheryl's family means everything to her and she will do whatever it takes to keep it intact. Even if it means devising a plan sure to win her husband Greg's affections. However, when Cheryl goes so far as to enlist the help of an unsuspecting, friendly neighbor to make Greg jealous, she gets far more than she bargained for.
Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness. - Proverbs 14:22
If you don't know the answer to that question, you will after reading First Lady.
Q: Website (s):
A: My web address is www.korikajohnson.com
Q: Please share with us your E-mail Address:
A: I can be reached at korika@korikajohnson.com. To discuss special discounts, book clubs, women’s organizations, and church ministries may e-mail orderbooks@korikajohnson.com.
1 comment:
Thanks for having me, Paulette!
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