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Today's Featured Author
Dr. Elaine Gattis
1)First, I want to thank you for taking the time out of your very busyschedule to do this interview. Speaking of your busy schedule, you are one of the authors in the best-selling book Women Who Soar, tell us aboutyourself?
I am Dr. Elaine Gattis, a native of the San Francisco Bay Area. I am an affiliate professor of ministry at Ohio Christian University’s Morrow, Georgia satellite campus. I am also an author and an ordained minister of the Gospel, serving as the Executive Pastor of Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Stockbridge, Georgia. Myhusband, Reverend Dr. Terrance Gattis, also serves as the Senior Pastor in the same ministry. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from California State University, East Bay, a Master of Divinity degree from the Emory University Candler School of Theology, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Morehouse School of Religion at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta.
2) What’s the title of your chapter?
The title of my chapter is “Soaring into Purpose.”
3) Tell us about your chapter?
The crux of my chapter is solidly basedon finding and embracing one’s purpose in Christ. Everyone’s journey is different and unique, however, when we allow ourselves to be challengedbeyond our fears, insecurities, and the many setbacks we sometimes face, we will find that there is a purpose on the other side of everypain we encounter. While some people are born into what they believe to be their purpose and others discover their purposeat an early age, there are many others who decrythat they don’t know or are yetto discovertheir purpose. I believe that this is often due to one’s inability to face the fears and giants that stand between them and their purpose, which in turn hinders their vision. Our giants come in many forms, and minewas in the formof fear (fear of being alone and without the support of my family and friends). Nevertheless, my faith and trust in God pushed me to take bold steps, face fears and journey to places that I would’ve otherwise never thought possible. Before I knew it, I was doing more than taking steps. I began to soar into areas that helped me to embrace and further define my ownpurpose which impacted on my growth . Now, I soar!
4) What do you hope readers will learn/discover from reading your chapter?
My prayer is that others will read my chapter and discover that they can soar too. I pray that others will be empowered and encouraged to move past their biggest fears to embracetheir challenges and move toward deeperand more meaningful lives. It is importantto know this, andone must understand that it will not be an easyride. However, in the end, the rewards significantly outweigh the challenges. God is faithful and will never leave nor forsake those who put their trust in the Lord.
5) What inspired you to participate in this anthology?
I was inspired to participate in the Women Who Soar anthology because I knew I had a story to tell that might help someone else spread their wings. Moreover, I thought it would be an honor to be a part of such a greatproject. I am generally a very private person, and it is not always easy to be transparent and allow the world into one’s personal space. However, the women involved in this project all have very awesome and personal stories to tell and opening myself up to be a part of this was simply another effort at spreading my wings.
6) What’s next for you?
My husband and I started a publishing company last year called Pneuma Enterprises. The sole aim of the firm is to help others through the process of getting their stories published. We have found that there are so many aspiring writers who don’t know where to begin after writing their story and have thus garnered much interest. I am looking forward to helping others get their stories published as well. Also, I am in the process of writing another non-fiction book about associate ministry. This next book is pretty much involved and would keep me quite busy butI hope to have it completed by the end of this year.
7) What was the most difficultaspect of writing this chapter?
I know I can tell my story better than anyone else, and so writingthis chapter was not difficult for me at all. Nevertheless, if I had to choose one aspect of difficulty, it would be choosingwhat to leave in and what to take out in order tostay within the word limitations.
8) Why do you write? Is it something you've always done or alwayswanted to do? Oris it something that you started fairly recently?
I have always written quite a lot and knewthat I was pretty good at it. It was my writing skills that landed me in GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) as a young child. I went to a predominately white school and was the only African American in the program atthetime. As an adult,I journaled for several years and always wanted to write and at least get one book published. Women Who Soar is actuallymy second published book. My first was written and published academically as my doctoral dissertation butI wanted to write something more mainstream as well.
9) In three words describe your chapter?
Encouraging, inspiring, and motivating.
10) How can people connect with you?
I can be reached by email at elainegattis@gmail.com, on the internet at www.elainegattis.comor via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/elaine.gattis
Women Who Soaris a book collaboration project of women who stepped out on faith, launched their own businesses and released their dreams and purposes into the world.
These powerful women have dispelled lies, overcome difficult challenges, refused to take no for an answer and are now soaring and creating the life they deserve.
Their stories are moving, revealing, encouraging and empowering. They have resolved to use their testimony to pave the way for other women to soar into their destiny.
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