Ways to Grow to Empower Women
“So many of us allow bad experiences to get the best
of us and we don’t learn how to turn those experiences into stepping stones for
us to grow spiritually, emotionally, financially or socially. I would be the first to agree that life can
be hard and challenging however if we take a look back and begin to analyze how
to use those bad experiences to help us in one area of our life, we will never
look at bad experiences the same.”
Coming from Paulette Harper‘s new book Completely
Whole, provides women of all ages with keys to living a life on purpose spirit,
soul and body.
Here are her five suggestions on learning how to live
a happier life.
Accepting that sometimes the “Why” will never get answered. When we can accept that many times we won’t
be able to change the outcome and accept what has happened. Realized that
it happened for a purpose and rest in that, we are better prepared to handle
all experiences.
There is no easy way out. Many times we want to escape the bad experiences by
not dealing with them head on, but that won’t solve anything. Stop for a
moment, look at the situation and make the necessary changes that are required
to be more empowered.
Realize that God is in control. Our lives are totally in the hands of someone
who knows how all things will pan out. Trust Him in every situation, knowing
that He will guide you as you look to Him for help.
Forgive yourself and others. In life
people will hurt us. That includes family, spouses, children, and parents. As you forgive others for their trespasses,
people will also forgive you.
Pray that God will show you what it is He is trying to teach you. Allow this opportunity to let God reveal to
you what lessons are to be learned. Treat each experience as a great
opportunity to grow and mature.
Thy Word Publishing
Amazon paper back: list price: $12.95 http://tinyurl.com/425euh7
list price: $4.99 -http://tinyurl.com/3novrjg
I'm following you back from Real Church Life with GFC and Twitter. I've also Tweeted this post. God bless!
Tina - mom of 4 and author of 5 blogs
Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog post.. And thanks once again for linking up in Exposure 99% weekday blog hop. I look forward being part of your blog. Remain blessed..
Thank you for sharing this book with us. It amazes me how we can go through life so broken and hurt and others not realize our suffering. But God knows and he sends his wisdom through his Word and works such as yours!!
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